Monday, December 26, 2011

Business As Usual

Our side The rinos think business as usual is the best way to go...

“There were people who claim that they wanted somebody who was more of their Tea Party aspect, but in doing so they killed off the Republican chances for majority,” Lugar said. “This is one of the reasons we have a minority in the Senate right now.”
Mourdock, 60, is backed by a coalition of Tea Party groups, Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate. He also has the support of the political action committee of FreedomWorks, the Tea Party- aligned group led by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey of Texas.
Their side The liberals always think keeping it in the family business as usual is the way to operate.

Sen. Charles Schumer’s brother-in-law was quietly nominated this month to a federal judgeship in New Jersey — a move that has some in the Garden State crying political foul, The Post has learned.
This freakshow has an 11 % approval rating with the American people, and yet day after day...
Is it just me that thinks BUSINESS AS USUAL isn't and hasn't worked in quite sometime? I want a majority too, a majority of fiscally responsible conservatives, not assheads like Lugar occupying a seat for 24 years. Schumer? Where would one start with scum like like that? I don't have that much patience and its the Christmas season!

I just remembered, these idiots are both Richards Dicks! One literally and one named!

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